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Writer's pictureMyron

August 2011

Bears top the list of August topics. Grizzlies normally show up at the Angstman cabin in late August, and they showed up in big numbers his year, after a low turnout last year. This critter put on the best show, appearing during breakfast right in front of the cabin.

Numerous others dropped by, including a blonde grizzly, and a two tone blonde and brown bear. None showed the least interest in the cabin or equipment parked nearby, and other than some increased pulse rates, no humans have been at risk.

Bears of a different color showed up at the farm. This fat fella lumbered past a trail cam. The evidence suggests there is a handy food source nearby.

Fishing was for the most part very good in August. A shortage of red salmon escapement in Bristol Bay resulted in a greatly diminished supply of reds at the cabin, which likely made the trout and dolly varden population hungrier and easier to catch. Three fish in the 8-12 pound category were the largest ever caught by the Angstman party on the lake, but none produced a decent picture. One fish picture did make the cut, Bill Eggiman was guided by Grant Fairbanks to a famous Holitna River pike hole that has provided dinner for the Fairbanks clan many times over the years. Many large fish were observed in the water, and this fish was hauled in by Bill, his only catch of the day.

The cabin now serves quite nicely as an office with a reliable internet connection. Quite certainly, ALO is the only law office in Wood Tikchik State Park. Not many customers drop by, but there is plenty of opportunity to think over ways of winning cases. A new face showed up at ALO with the hiring of new K300 race manager Zach Fansler. He is a former Bethel guy who went back east to get a law degree. Since then he has been admitted to the bar in three states, and has applied for an intern permit in Alaska. Zach will help out ALO as time permits in his new race job. Early indications are that the K300 is in good hands, after a summer of uncertainty.

For legal news this month, a look at a past case seems to be in order. Uncle Al Angstman was the longest serving justice of the Montana Supreme court until his death in the 60's. His bother Uncle Jesse was an attorney in Havre during the same era. This case argued before the Montana Supreme Court, represents an unusual situation to say the least. Read the heading carefully. It must have created some interesting discussion at the next family gathering.

August brings the start of school in Bethel, and this picture of Mary and Sunset was taken the first day of school.

Both still come to ALO at the end of their school day, which is usually the highlight of the office day.

Ben and Sarah were kind enough to look after Tanner for a couple of days recently. They objected to his choice of comfort stations, and captured this photo to embarrass him.

Don Rearden usually has something interesting to say, and lately he has been saying it on his blog. Check out Don's blog here.


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