The Angstman outfit departed a very wet Elk Farm in early June, avoiding what turned out to be the wettest June on record in some areas of the state. All the rain brought out a good crop of flowers and 14 elk calves have survived the downpour so far.

Other babies have also survived. This fawn photo came from Dave Price's front yard

and the baby crane from his back yard.

The final Elk Farm photo is a giant snapper looking for a place to lay eggs, sent by cousin Scott.

What do nature photos have to do with Law Office News? Absolutely nothing, but they are more interesting.
But there was some legal news this month, and some of it was interesting enough to mention. A law suit involving last summer's oil spill near the Igushik River resulted in a partial settlement for damage to cabins in the area. The case is still pending on the greater claims for loss of opportunity to fish. There was also a modest settlement of a case ALO defended successfully, the Hooper Bay taser case which was reported here earlier. That case was on appeal to the Supreme Court, and the court posed a question to the parties in writing that suggested the lower court ruling would stand. Despite that, the insurance company involved decided to offer a five figure amount to settle the case just to get it done, and it was accepted. Such results are not favored at ALO, and sometimes lead to refusal to accept cases from those companies in the future.
An Anchorage court ruled in favor of ALO on a question of attorneys' fees in a recent legal malpractice case, ordering the defending firm Cooke Roosa to pay enhanced fees for "unconscionable" conduct. The opinion is an interesting read for anyone with a few moments to spare.
The big local legal news is the closure of the Kuskokwim River to most fishing during June. A weak king salmon run has forced the move, which resulted in much talk and threats to fish anyway by some folks. No such conduct was reported, however, and now the river is open and fish racks are filling. This young man, Kieran Samuelson, made the most of the closure, using a small net and fishing for other species that he could preserve, mainly whitefish.

The smile on his face pretty much tells his story. Instead of complaining about the closure, he got busy, and got his picture in the paper as well. As for the Angstmans, Dolly and David delivered a batch of fresh red salmon, as they do every year. Ben and Sarah usually provide the silvers. It has been many years since a king salmon has been harvested at ALO, and there has been no lack of exceptional fish to eat.
Speaking of fish to eat, this has to be combat fishing at its worst.

A mama grizzly bear is always dangerous, and with that many fishermen not even paying attention, anything could happen. A recent book Beyond the Bear describes one Alaska man's near fatal attack in a similar setting, when a mother bear decided there were too many fishermen around her babies. This bear had a a different kind of problem, caught on a trail cam upriver from Bethel.
This wolf picture was taken near Nome, and appeared in the Nome Nugget.

This month's mandatory moose is from the Fairbanks newspaper, and seems to have long enough legs.

The Dog Farm has its first litter of pups in a couple of years, and ALO has been trying without success to charge a small fee for the many folks who come by for a puppy fix. Dolly took this photo.

Check Facebook for a bunch more stuff, including pups, paddle boarding, and cabin painting.
Two old newspaper articles conclude this month's news. Former Bethel musher and long time Iditarod racer Dee Jonrowe made an all time list that is worth reading. And this article about the Angstman family baseball team from long ago proves that investigative reporting was not yet invented when this story was written. Some now claim they never won a game.
