ALO's May news is brought to you from the Elk Farm in Minnesota. It is a few days later than normal because of travel, procrastination, and because sending another project to webmaster Rich Gannon didn't seem like a good idea while he was welcoming his fourth son into the world. Jen delivered little Oscar during a bout with the flu that struck the whole family. Other family members helped out and everyone seems to be on the mend.
A pleasant May in Bethel transitioned into some very hot weather in Minnesota. The farm came through a mild winter with an abundance of wildlife. Notable sightings thus far include a batch of baby turkeys, baby cranes, and a playful otter. Elk calves are showing up, and about 14 are expected. Abundant rain in May has everything very green and lush.
One of the early highlights in Minnesota was a trip to the Ordway Theatre in St. Paul to watch sister Velma's granddaughter Sloane perform with her quartet before the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra's concert. This clip of the quartet is well worth watching.
Sloane is the girl playing the viola on the right. The quartet ranges in age from 13-15, and not surprisingly, all are top students as well. Sloane recently left for the east coast where she has been accepted into a performing arts high school with a full scholarship. The level of talent displayed on the clip raises a question whether these teens have adequate time left over after music and academics to hone their texting skills.
ALO settled two car accident cases in May, both involving crashes in Bethel. The jury trial referenced in last month's news still has pending motions, so additional comment would not be appropriate. Decisions on those motions are not expected until July. The Bethel court system is still in flux, with one new magistrate and three vacant judge positions. The first of those judge positions should be filled shortly.
A news story in May was widely circulated in mushing circles, involving Iditarod and K300 champion Mitch Seavey. He filed a lawsuit concerning a badly injured finger he claims was caused by a defective knife. Many folks called ALO about the story and most were critical of the suit. Mitch and his lawyer are well known at ALO. The uproar over his suit is misplaced. Whether or not the knife which was involved is actually defective is a question that needs to be answered. If it is defective, then a serious injury caused by the defect should be compensated. The basic claim is that the knife folded up when it was being used, almost severing Seavey's finger. Those that raise the biggest fuss about such lawsuits are the ones that also raise the biggest fuss when something happens to them and someone else might be a fault. This is a wait and see situation. Seavey's lawyer isn't known for filing silly lawsuits.
Pictures dominate this month's report. Let's start with Dolly's rabbit from the ALO yard.
Next is a black bear that visited Ashley Fairbanks at her family's Rainbow Valley cabin.
No monthly news would be complete without a moose photo.
Bethel's prom featured some high fashion dancing shoes which are otherwise known in Alaska as Bunny Boots.
John Wallace captured this shot over Bethel as a storm approached, and missed.
And a final photo from Dolly, her charge for the month of June.
Politics is worth a mention. There is daily discussion of the economy, and it is sometimes hard to follow. An alert reader of this page pointed out an error in a previous economic graph, so this one was fact checked carefully.
It was first printed in the Wall Street Journal, and debunks at least some campaign rhetoric.